Odyssey App

Odyssey is a tech startup looking to create a platform in which users can create, discover and join a wide range of different communities. Creators can also monetize the knowledge and services they provide. Basically image Discord and Patreon had a baby.

About Odyssey

Deliverables (6 months)

  • UX/ UI

  • Branding and Visual update

  • Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Social Media Content Creation

  • Pitch Deck Development

01 - Project details

Although they had an initial prototype and brand guideline, the company had pivoted in such a way that they required a major update. So we started by redeveloping the brand and applying that to future designs and content we produced.

📱 Odyssey’s goal was to create the mobile app and drive signups.

02 - Mobile app

To create the most optimal user experience, I started but looking at our competitors and our users. What features were industry standard and how easy was it to implement it into our model? Well we discovered that the most popular features were communication and monetization based. So we focused on building out a platform that prioritized messaging and eased the process of getting paid.

With our user base primarily consisting of mid 20’s to 60 year old entrepreneurs, we wanted to created a platform that was simple to use and consistent visually with other platforms. No crazy new integrations so that we create the technological experience simple and smooth.

So after rounds of iteration and user testing, we were able to develop the MVP of OdysseyApp and start onboarding users and our creators.

🤔 What features do we prioritize and how do we support our community?

03 - Creative process

With creative advisors on board and ready to market to fans, we needed to begin our marketing campaigns and start spreading the word. We used Instagram as our main platform; however, we also explored using LinkedIn and Twitter.

The goal of our campaigns were to generate hype through advertising our collaborators as well as the idea that anyone can make money on the platform. By showing the usage of our application and the different screens, we were able to create curiosity as well as interest in the platform.

📢 With the product complete, it was time to do what we do best and make noise.

04 - Results

As we mentioned, the top two goals for Odyssey was to create the MVP of the platform and start onboarding new users through the assistance of marketing. Well here are some of the results we garnered:

  • Grew an Instagram following of over 6,600 followers within the first 2 months

  • Over 15k new downloads through the app store

  • Onboarded 20 new creative advisors onto the project

🤯 Even with the product newly out on the

market, I was able to generate exceptional results.



increase in social media followers

downloads on the app store


hours picking the perfect font